F Block, Newham College Stratford, Tennyson Road, London, E15 4DR
Alhamdulillaah, with the blessings of Allaah, Azhar Academy has successfully purchased the Newham College ‘F Block’ site in Stratford for £2.7m.
We sincerely plead for you to please generously assist us with lillaah donations and more importantly, a reasonable/long-term interest free ‘Qarza Hasanah’ loan. Please kindly pledge an amount and volunteer to raise this amount through family, friends and colleagues.
We only require:
100 people/group to donate/raise £27,000
1000 people/group to donate/raise £2700
2700 people/group to donate/raise £1000
MashaAllaah you have known Azhar Academy for a long period and fully aware of its success especially within the community and hence we humbly request if you can please forward and ask your friends and associates also to kindly contribute in any way they can.